That is why I thought: why don't I make a post of all my mugs and share a little story of I got it or why do I like it. If you like mugs, this would be of great interest to you. If you don't well... you might be bored.
This mug I got from my friend as a birthday present and it is massive. This is great for days you want a huge amount of coffee or tea. I use this quite often in the winter, I would drink great amount of tea to warm me up. It is a bit heavy, but still manageable.
This mug I got a long time ago. My aunt took me and my cousins out, I can't remember why and she told us to pick one thing. Instead of picking a toy, I got this mug. It is still one of my favorites to this day. And I really appreciate mugs that you could hold onto them comfortably.
I got this mug recently when I went to Dubai from Kinokuniya. I love it very much. I have always wanted a penguin mug. I even love the novel Wuthering Heights and so this mug is really special to me.
This mug is not for coffee or tea since it is plastic. Unless I am making ice tea or coffee. But I only use it for drinking water. If you didn't know I love Harry Potter very much and I got this from my friend when she went to the Harry Potter world.
My aunt got me this mug from Disney Land Paris. This mug has that comfortable handle and it is small for whenever you want just a little amount of coffee or tea. I love how it looks. One of my faves but the problem is they are all my favorites.
This is another mug I've had for as long as I can remember. What I love about it is its simplicity and the spoon handle. Of course it is great do drink coffee in. It has got the second best handle.
I used to watch Pocahontas all the time when I was younger. I still have this bond with her though, ironically I barely remember the movie. I need to watch it again. I love this mug. It reminds me of my childhood. Also I love the two sides it has. It is old so it is kind of scratched.
We have plenty of this mug at home. My mum has the whole set. I love how it looks so I would always every once in a while drink using this mug. One side has a blueish/green heart and the other has a pink one. It looks really delicate and beautiful.
Last but not least, is a recent edition to my mug collection. It is a mug with my name from my school's bookclub. It is beautiful, I wish the flowers on the side were visible.
-And that's all folks!
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