Thursday, September 4, 2014

Book Review: Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? by Mindy Kaling

Rating: ★★★★

Synopsis: Mindy Kaling has lived many lives: comedienne, actress, obedient child of immigrant professionals and, now, writer. With a blend of witty confessions and unscientific observations, Mindy writes about everything from being a timid young chubster afraid of her own bike to living the Hollywood life, dating, friendships and planning her own funeral - all executed with several conveniently placed stopping points for you to run errands and make phone calls.
I chose to start this book because I was having a pretty tough time and I really wanted something to help get my mind off things. Mindy Kaling is known for being hilarious and I have heard  nothing but good reviews about this book from people I know and Booktube.* I knew the audiobook was narrated by her, so I couldn't miss out. The book does however, contain many pictures which is why whenever I know there would be a chapter with books, I follow up using the book, as well while listening to her. 

One of the components (to me personally) that makes a good book is that if it makes you laugh out loud. If the book is supposed to be funny but it didn't, it means I can't place it high enough with those who did. I just love Kaling's candidness/bluntness, I did not want the book to end. Her way to fame way peculiar, nevertheless very interesting. Her anecdotes are simplistic yet, full of vitality. 

I know she is coming out with a new book soon, I can't wait!

Since I have started school on the 31st of August, I have been bombarded with work. So I am just trying to balance things out, focus more on school and using my spare time in fiercely relaxing/reading. Therefore, my posts may not be as often as in the summer. I will try my best, since I have many ideas but no time to put them down here. Bear with me, hopefully I could make this work.  

*Booktube if you didn't know is a community in Youtube where people post videos about books. Exciting right?

As always: 
Happy reading,

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